Thursday, January 30, 2020

Designing a training programme for supervisor skills at Primark Essay Example for Free

Designing a training programme for supervisor skills at Primark Essay Type of training and how long will the training take? (on the job or off the job) Shadowing/demonstration/coaching/external or internal course 1 hour/1/2 day/ 5 days? Provider of training and Location Sales floor/store training room/Primark head office/College/Distance course. Internal training. Who will carry out? HR manager/training manager Description of training content What will the you do /learn during the training Cost of the training Physical cost of external course/cost of paying salary to trainee whilst not doing their job role/providing cover whilst trainee is on course/travel expenses – train tickets to London if going on a head office course What will the training allow me to achieve? What skills will you have learnt? How will it assist you in being successful in your new role? Why is this skill important? Consequences Shadowing for 1 hour Sales floor watching experienced supervisor complete rota Organisation of staff rota, including breaks and lunches. Watch the supervisor complete her daily rota and then complete own rota and discuss with mentor to get feedback on how to improve it No direct costs however, Primark will still need to pay us both our  £8.50 an hour salary despite the fact that both the experienced Supervisor and I will be less productive during the training. This may impact on customer service as we won’t be available to help customers during the hours training . The training may disrupt other members of staff and reduce overall productivity of the department I will be able to complete the daily staff rota ensuring all staff get the breaks and lunches they are entitled to with minimal disruption to customer service Key feature in the job description of a supervisor. Failure to complete this correctly may mean that staff do not get the correct breaks and may become demotivated and lower their productivity as a result which will trigger a fall in customer satisfaction and potentially sales and profit Demonstration for 20 minutes Shown on the sales floor by an experienced supervisor . Whilst walking around look at the trends , most common sizes and the popular items . The ability to see when a specific product is in high demand and inform head office that more stock needs to be ordered. Listening to retail sales assistants when they tell you a product is in high demand . There are no direct costs. Although the experienced supervisor and I will need to be paid  £2.52 for the 20 minutes . I will be less productive during the training, this may impact customer service as I will be too busy to help out customers. The training may disrupt other members of staff and reduce overall productivity of the department The ability to spot trends , and items that are selling out. The ability to order in new stock . Failure in ordering a high demand products would mean Primark would miss out on an opportunity to make a profit . Failure is ordering any stock means that that Primark wouldn’t have any stock to sell and the customers would go else where. 1 day off job training completing the Impact Factory Customer service course Training by Impact Factory in London. I will be taught on how to give the best customer service and be more confident with employees. Dealing with customer complaints in the most appropriate way . Talking to unsatisfied customers and seeing what they can do to help and make sure this doesn’t happen next time.  £21.10 for the ticket to London. A whole day’s pay at  £7.57 an hour for 9 hours which is  £68.13. Although it’s more expensive than getting another supervisor to do the training , the training will be a lot more formal and I will take it more seriously . The course costs  £450. I will be trained by an expert in customer service . Although resentfulness amongst other members of staff who haven’t been chosen to attend the course and become demotivated and less efficient as a result. The overall cost will be  £539.23 . I will learn how to give good customer service , deal with rude/difficult customers , advance my listening/ responding skills, make the customers point of view work for me, gain confidence in giving customer service and handling complaints with empathy/ efficiency. A good retail supervisor needs to deal with customer complaints appropriately . This is because the supervisor will be the face of the branch and if they give a bad impression , there could be a drop in customers. The customers could go to competitors with better customer service. On the job training doing 20 minutes coaching and a 10 minutes session a week later. On the sales floor at a off-peak time with HR manager Learning how to use the supervisor function on the till to be able to give customers returns / change / cancel orders. No direct costs but both the HR manager and I will need to get paid . Although because this session is short, there will be a lot of time to do more productive things. The training may disrupt other members of staff and reduce overall productivity of the department. Customers may receive poor customer service such as long wait times at tills even though it is at off-peak time which would Lower sales. HR manager will need to be paid  £10 for the 30 minutes. I will need to be paid  £3.79 for the 30 minutes. The HR manager’s journey from London will cost  £21.10. The overall cost is  £34.89. I will learn how to use the supervisor function on the till , be able to give customer returns / change and cancel orders. As I have practiced at different times, I am now very clear on how to use the supervisor function on the till . This means in peak time if a customer needs a return I can quickly use the function on the till without holding up a long queue . This means the customers will be happier as they don’t have to wait a long time and I can go do more productive things. If I was unable to do this Primark would get a reputation for poor customer service and customers would go to competitors , which would lower sales. Off the job training for 30 minutes doing Job shadowing . 30 minutes observation On the sales floor with an experienced supervisor Ensuring that the sales floor is always kept clean, the shelves are fully stocked with products and there’s no clothes on the floor. In prime time the retail sales assistant are aware how to work in the peak times including the holidays and Saturdays . There are no direct costs but I will be paid  £7.57 for the hour and so will the experienced supervisor. I will not being my job during this training session meaning a loss of productivity . I may disrupt other employees and reduce the overall productivity of the department. Customers may have to wait longer on the tills / fitting rooms as I will be unable to help them, which would lower sales. The overall cost would be  £15.14 . I will be able to deal with the sales floor at its prime time. Through observation I can be told what my weaknesses are and how I can improve on them. If I wasn’t able to manage the store at prime the customers would be left waiting unreasonable times for the tills/ fitting rooms . They would eventually get annoyed and leave to go to a competitor, meaning a loss in sales. The employees would become demotivated as they are constantly having to work in a hectic unorganised environment and may leave. If an employee leaves Primark would have to pay for the recruitment costs for the next employee. Off the job training in London doing a leadership course – 1 day course In London being taught about leadership by CIPD Making sure all the retail sales assistants are working efficiently . Motivating all the retail sales assistants to do their work to the best of their ability . This means carrying out appraisals and dealing with any performance issues appropriately . The course costs  £545 . I will have to be paid for the full day at  £7.57 which is  £68.13 . I will have to pay for a peak return ticket to London for  £21.10 . The overall cost will be  £634.23. I will be unable to any of my tasks , therefore there will be a loss in productivity. There will be Resentfulness amongst other members of staff who haven’t been chosen to attend the course and become demotivated and less efficient as a result. I will learn which leadership characteristics I need to develop , be able to select motivational ideas with the most potential to motivate and engage the retail assistants . I will be able to motivate the retail sales assistants . Therefore they will be able to give good customer service which means happy customers , they will come more frequently . This will build a better image for Primark. If I was not able to motivate employees, they would eventually find a different job. Demotivated employees give bad customer service so the customers would get annoyed and go to competitors. Once the employee leaves , more will leave increasing the staff turnover which would make it less appealing to work for Primark . Recruitment costs are also very high and this would need to be paid for. Off the job training interview skills course In London with an interviewing expert . Working alongside Human resources manager to co interview potential candidates for the role of retail sales assistant. A ticket to London is  £21.10 . I would have to be paid for the full day at  £7.57 an hour , which is  £68.13 overall . The course costs  £30 . The overall cost is  £119.23. The setting will be more formal and I will take it more seriously . There will be a loss of productivity as I will not be there for the whole day to do my job. There may be resentfulness amongst other members of staff who haven’t been chosen to attend the course and become demotivated and less efficient as a result. I will learn: the equality act 2010 , the cost of recruitment and staff turnover, the causes of poor recruitment, strategies for effective recruitment practice, the stages of recruitment, how to design a job description and person profile, how to analyse application forms and cvs , and interview techniques . I will be able to make sure when I interview a candidate for the role of retail sales assistant I will do it in the best way possible . I will be able to choose the most suitable candidate . I will be able to make sure the candidate is not discriminated against and therefore save costs and the reputation of Primark. If I was unable to interview a candidate appropriately I could ask a question that breaks the equality 2010. This would give Primark a bad reputation and they would be fined. In house training for the 3 Hours The HR manager in a meeting room Providing induction training for new retail sales assistants and making them feel welcome and at ease. No direct costs but I and the HR manager will need to be paid for the 3 hours. The HR manager will get paid  £60 and I will get paid  £22.71. The train journey from London to this Primark branch will need to be paid for which is  £21.10. The overall cost would be  £108.31. Me and the HR manager will not be productive for those 3 hours . The training may disrupt other members of staff and decrease productivity over the whole department. Customers may receive poor customer service as I will be unable to help them. I will be able to provide suitable training for the new retail sales assistants . I will educate employees about the effective use of technology ,ensure that Primark has the competitive edge, promote health and safety, create opportunities for career development and personal growth, helps employees comply with laws and regulations and improve productivity. This is important because this means the employees will give good customer service . If I trained the employees incorrectly they could decide to leave or they could injure themselves because I didn’t mention a health and safety rule. This would mean an employee would be harmed and Primark would have broken the health and safety act and could face fines. If the employees are trained badly they could give poor customer service which would drive the customers away to the competitors , which would lower sales.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

End-user Training Benefits Essay example -- Technology, Training

Many of our customers vary in skill-sets. Some end-users are knowledgeable working with specific software and different hardware components. Although most customers comprehend the basics, many of them have not received any formal training in basic computer operations. Authors Thomas and Rutter suggest that employees are aware of their lack of skills and would prefer more training. Both state â€Å"†¦. respondents were aware of their skills shortage and clearly highlighted that training †¦.on skills were of greatest need† (292). As customers become more knowledgeable in software and hardware basics, they gain a deeper understanding of how technology and software work collectively. For the customer who didn’t understand that the monitor was powered off, training will provide her with the skill-set to understand how computers function. The fact that she couldn’t see anything on the computer screen should have been an indicator that the monitor’s power was off. If she receives training on basic computer literacy and additional software skills, there is a chance that the call to IS Support would not have been dialed. Furthermore, interruptions in workflow could have been prevented, thus keeping work production continuous. Additional training will not only educate our customers, but will encourage them to learn more. As customers become motivated, Desley believes that they will become more productive and the obtainment of new technical skills will assist them in the development of their careers (2765). If employees begin to understand and develop a desire to learn more, ICT will not only be used to increase performance, but will produce greater job satisfaction and build user confidence. However, if end-users aren’t confident in their abil... A third recommendation is to provide in-house training offered by IS Specialists who support the software and accompanying hardware. At CHS, IT Support teams are given specific software applications to support. Because we directly work with the customer, most teams know their customer base and work with them regularly. Furthermore, IT specialists understand the customers’ use of the software and recognize the services that the software helps users achieve. Much like their customers, these IT Support Specialists are in-house employees and the cost to implement training is low or none at all. Additionally, IT Supports pre-established relationship with customers allow a more comfortable and relaxed environment for both the trainer and end-users. Additionally, trainers will have a better understanding of user issues because support has been provided in the past.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Radio as medium of mass communication

Radio is widely used mass communication medium and has a great potentiality in dissemination of information as radio signals cover almost entire world. More than 177 radio stations are there across the country. Almost 97 percent of the population is reached by the radio. Radio being a convenient form of entertainment caters to a large audience. With the invention of transistors this medium has reached the common man in urban and rural areas of India but the utilization of radio is more among rural elites.It has advantages over the other mass media like television and newspapers in terms of being handy, portable, easily accessible and cheap. Radio is the most portable of the broadcast media, being easily accessible at home, at office, in car, on the street or beach, virtually anywhere and everywhere at any time. Radio is effective medium not only in informing the people but also in creating awareness regarding many social issues and need for social reformation, developing interest and initiating action.For example, in creating awareness regarding new policies, news about evelopmental projects and programs, new ideas etc. It will help in creating a positive climate for growth and development. It widens the horizons of the people and enlightens them, and gradually changing their outlook towards life. Research about this has shown that radio is an effective medium for education when it is followed up with group discussion and question- answer session. In India, radio with its penetration to the rural areas is becoming a powerful medium for advertisers.It gains 3 percent of the national advertising budget. Radio is still the heapest alternative to television, but it is no longer the poor medium in advertising terms. Because radio listening are so widespread, it is prospered as an advertising medium for reaching local audiences. Moreover, the radio serves small and highly targeted audiences, which makes radio an excellent advertising medium for many kinds of speciali zed products and services. As far as commercials are concerned, no one will able to tune out commercials easily as is possible with remote control devices and VCRs.It is said that radio's ability to ttract local advertisers hurts mainly newspapers, as television is less attractive to the small and local advertiser. As tar as audience is concerned radio does not hamper persons mobility. Radio as a vehicle of information for masses it is still the fastest medium of communication. For instance, it would take less time for a news reporter for radio to arrive on the spot with a microphone and recorder than the same for TV along with a shooting team and equipment.Another important feature of radio as mass medium is that it caters to a large rural opulation which has no access to TV and where there is no power supply. In such places, AIR-AII India Radio's programmes continue to be the only source of information and entertainment. AIR broadcasts programmes in 24 languages and 140 dialects. â€Å"Radio should be treated as a kin to newspapers in view of the fact that it is local, inexpensive, linked to communities, has limited band width and operates through simple technology'. The economics of radio does allow tailoring programme content to the needs of small audiences.Thus it is economically viable to recast a programme for broadcast to audiences in different sub regional, cultural and linguistic language. This enhances the value of radio as a medium in networking developmental programmes. It offers many possibilities in networking, from local or regional co- ordinated broadcasts and interactive exchange of queries and data. It will serve as a standalone medium of information dissemination or a support medium for curricular learning, Jointly with print material or with fieldwork.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Communication Style Of A Man Who Is The Most Powerful Person

1. Introduction: Having the capacity to communicate successfully is the most essential of all life aptitudes. Communication style includes the way a message is constructed, form and interpretations based on form. There are many different categories of communication style. In this module we will look at two â€Å"categories† of communication style: high/low context and direct/indirect communication styles. Creating your relational abilities can help all parts of your life, from your expert life to social get-togethers and everything in the middle. The capacity to convey data precisely, plainly and as planned, is an indispensable life expertise and something that ought not be ignored. It s never past the point†¦show more content†¦Speaking in a large hall, partly powered by a solar array, Mr Obama used the Brisbane speech to announce the US would commit $3 billion to a UN fund to help poorer countries fight climate change. In an amphitheatre at the University of Queensland, trimmed with the stars and stripes of American banners, and in the midst of an environment much the same as a US race battle field occasion, the president s mobilizing call for more activity to cut carbon outflows was punctuated with boisterous salud. No other nation had more in question than Australia when it came to contemplating and following up on environmental transform, he said. On the other hand the world s most successful businessperson and most powerful philanthropist did something outstandingly bold, that went almost unremarked. Bill gates announced that his top priority is getting the world to zero climate emissions. Entryways talked about his dedication to utilizing his huge humanitarian assets to greatly improve the situation for individuals through general wellbeing and neediness easing. At that point he said something he s never said previously: that is it in light of the